CO-OP Shared Branching

Credit Union Shared Branching Network


CO-OP Shared Branching

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Mountain America Credit Union will be terminating shared branching service as of 12-31-2020. Please go to to find a shared branch in your area

5,000+ shared branches means you have more direct access to your money than most traditional bank customers do.
With shared branching, credit unions from all over the country share facilities to give you thousands of convenient locations to perform transactions just as if you were in the lobby of P&S Credit Union. Whether you are at work, home, or your favorite travel destination, your credit union is always nearby!

At CO-OP Shared Branches, you can make...

  • Deposits
  • Withdrawals
  • Transfers between accounts
  • Loan payments
  • And more!

All you need to be able to use a Shared Branch is P&S Credit Union's name, account number and valid photo identification (i.e. driver's license, US Passport, etc.) For a list of CO-OP Shared Branches, near you, please visit

Please click on this link to find a shared branch in your area-

Ask us more about CO-OP Shared Branching!
Please email, call the credit union at: (801) 973-0575, or visit our office.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Mountain America Credit Union will be terminating shared branching service as of 12-31-2020.

Please click on this link to find a shared branch in your area-