Fast Cash Loans
Fast Cash
Money in Minutes from P&S Credit Union
Fast Cash Loans for emergencies or short-term borrowing needs from a partner you know and trust!
From time to time, situations arise when you need cash immediately. P&S wants to be the place you turn and help protect our members from the pitfalls of predatory lenders. So put the worry aside and know that P&S Credit Union can lend you the money you need. It just takes a few minutes and we're easy, fast and headache free! Obtain up to $2,000, quickly and securely from an institution that you know and trust. The Fast Cash Loan is available for one to 12 months and does not necessitate credit pulls or debt-to-income ratios.
Requirements of a P&S Credit Union Fast Cash Loan include:
- Proof of membership for at least one year
- A pay-check stub with employment for 3 months
- A P&S Credit Union account with funding for automatic payments
- A minimal loan origination fee
Apply for a P&S Credit Union Fast Cash Loan today!
Please email, call the credit union at: (801) 973-0575, or visit our office.