Overdraft Line of Credit
Overdraft Protection

Overdraft Line of Credit
With P&S Credit Union Overdraft Protection, we've got you covered!
Protect your credit score with an Overdraft Line of Credit. Funds are automatically deposited (up to your credit limit) into your Share Draft/Checking Account when checks or withdrawals exceed your balance. This service is subject to credit approval.
Here are some advantages an Overdraft Line of Credit has to offer:
- Available with our Regular Share Draft Checking Account
- Available for P&S Credit Union VISA Check / Debit card transactions, including ATM withdrawals.
- Credit limits range from $100.00 to $5,000.00 and are based on your credit history.*
- Rest assured that your funds will be paid without any additional NSF or Return Check fees.
- Interest is charged only for unpaid balances. There is no cost to keep the line open if it's not in use
Other Overdraft Protection Options:
If funds are available in your Share Savings Account, P&S Credit Union will automatically transfer the amount needed to cover overdrawn funds. Transfers will not be made that would result in bringing your share account balance below the $50.00 minimum required balance. Regulations limit the number of transfers allowed per calendar month. Members must let the Credit Union know in advance that they would prefer this option as Overdraft Protection.
Apply for P&S Credit Union Overdraft Line of Credit!
Please email memberservices@pandscu.org, call the credit union at: (801) 973-0575, or visit our office.